How it Works
By connecting spending and your carbon data to local emission reductions
Open a bank account with us,
climatemoney connects you to your carbon data with your new bank card
We match you with your
You contribute to carbon
Transparency is Key > |
"climatemoney represents
an evolution in banking services,
creating a sustainable way forward
in the fight against climatechange"
-David Boles, CEO at climatemoney
an evolution in banking services,
creating a sustainable way forward
in the fight against climatechange"
-David Boles, CEO at climatemoney
Our Partners
From food and energy supply to biodiversity projects, we're now partnering with communities, proactive business and people. climatemoney includes carbon reductions in the LOCAL Transport, Agricultural, Built Environment and Land use sectors.
We strive to become the missing mechanism to achieve our carbon targets. |
Our Irish emission targets are set,
million Tonnes CO2eq to be eradicated in 1 year by 2030
climatemoney takes a different approach: By You for everyone: